Dasqua IP54 digital caliper

Splash-proof and dust-proof: Can be used in workshops near liquids and dusty rooms, with an IP54 splash-proof and dust-proof rating.

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Digital calipers. Some people hate them, some people love them.

The first one I had, unbranded, was actually very good: repeatable, nicely finished, measured up to 0.001mm/0.0005" and if I remember well, cheap (25-30USD ?). The only problem with it was the battery - that LR44 battery didn't last long. Eventually the electronics went bad and it begun to reset the display to zero while I was trying to measure stuff. That's when I started to look into replacing it.

My first choice was to get a copy (I couldn't afford to buy a Mitutoyo), which I did, but what I got was junk. Absolute junk. A plastic toy caliper is better than what I got. And how do I know? Because I tried to get the same caliper, for the second time, and was sent a plastic caliper. Ironically, I do keep that plastic caliper near the computer to roughly measure stuff I need to model in Fusion 360.

But at that time, it was clear I had to start looking into more expensive calipers. This Dasqua model came up on a search and I already knew Dasqua from other stuff I had. I took a look at the official page and it looked promising, so I took the chance. I paid ~40USD.

I've been using this Dasqua caliper as my main caliper for the last 2 years. So far I have nothing to complain. The quality of the plastics is good, all the stainless parts are ground and the jaws are lapped. I can't see any light through the jaws closed and I can't feel significant play between the 2 moveable parts (like when you try to measure a part several times and get inconsistent results because the jaws are rocking). It takes a CR2032 battery which I replace once a year (maybe twice?) - I don't think it's too bad, at least it has not been a problem. I often leave it on and it automatically shuts off after a while.

The resolution is 0.001mm/0.0005" and I can get consistent and accurate readings with this which match my micrometer readings (although calipers are less precise and the last decimal place shouldn't really be trusted - use a micrometer instead).

One thing that surprised me was the ABSOLUTE function. This caliper shouldn't have it - the model with this function is 2210-8110, but mine somehow has that enabled. What I mean is: when I turn off the caliper and then back on, it keeps showing the position it was in. Also, if I turn it off, slide the moveable jaw to another position and turn it on again, it will give a correct reading (does not reset to zero).

So if you're looking for a digital caliper and can't afford a Mitutoyo, one of the models from Dasqua can be an option for you.
