Hi there, long time no see.
Lots of stuff happening in the last two weeks. I managed to finish what was missing in the engine and then could not resist to test it for oil pressure. It was nice to hear it spinning for the first time! Oil pressure was good. Then I waited a few days to see if there were any oil leaks – none! Not a drop.
Finally I etch primed the entire engine and painted it in the usual “Middle Bronze Green” or “Mowog green” as it is called on the street. It looks awesome!

Ok, enough of that, calm down.
It looks good, but I haven’t started it yet. I wanted to have the carburetters done by now, but I wasn’t even able to start. I’ll deal with them in the next weeks so I can start the engine and see how it runs.
All in all, I’m happy with this build so far. It’s not a 1961 850cc engine, but if we consider what it actually is, we should agree it looks pretty close.